Cartam, the P2P marketplace empowering the use of blockchain, by Magna Numeris
Last year we introduced you to our project Magna Numeris.
Since then we have taken the time to build, measure and learn. Our initial idea and solution have matured and grown in-depth; and so has the Magna team.
We are now super excited and proud to give you details about our first product:
Cartam. Is a free native mobile application marketplace platform; dedicated to cryptocurrency users.
We are building a decentralized marketplace using blockchain technology combined with digital currencies and fiat.
We want to offer new innovative solutions to the community as well as to cryptocurrency-owners, by proposing a cheap, fast and safe application dedicated to them.
One of our objectives is also to make the use of blockchain more accessible, we would like to democratize its use, as we are firm believers in the disruptive power of the technology.
To download the White Paper:
Why Cartam?
Cartam means “Map” in Occitan language and for us, this word is the perfect translation and use of the world we want to participate in and offer to our users.
We believe that we have designed an app that can truly solve many of the problems encounterded by digital asset owners.
Those are the same issues that our team members have faced ourselves combined with the feedback from talking to participants of the alternative economy.
What can you do with Cartam?
Cartam’s goal is to facilitate the use of cryptocurrency by and for the community in a peer-to-peer decentralized network.
By these means, in the first version of our application, we are offering several possibilities for our users.
- Send, receive and locally store digital assets on their mobile phone.
- Exchange / Buy safely digital currencies for cash.
- Buy or sell goods for digital-currencies and cash.
- Visualize local businesses accepting cryptocurrency as a payment solution.
- Become an active participant in the alternative and sharing economy.
Cartam functionalities
At its first release, Cartam will offer three main functionalities: a map, a wallet, and an assistant.
The Map
The first feature allows the users to visualize announcements and offers posted by other users in their local area. The different announcements can display:
- The buyers and sellers looking for goods or cryptocurrencies,
- The buyers and sellers of cryptocurrency for cash.
- Shops/businesses accepting cryptocurrencies.
This feature is displayed both in the form of an interactive map and as a marketplace list. It is strongly based on community exchange and interactions.
The Digital-assets Wallet
The multicurrency digital wallet is locally stored on the user’s phone. It works as a traditional wallet, designed to be taken everywhere and used for everyday life transactions.
With the wallet the users can:
- Visualize in detail which coins and amount(s) they own.
- Send and receive cryptocurrencies.
- Navigate within the transaction history.
- Store public addresses as contacts.
- Back up funds home into their ledger or hardware/cold storage in one click.
At first, the wallet will be limited to Bitcoin and Ether coins, however, we are planning to expand the offer regarding the needs of the community.
The personal Assistant
The personal assistant or transaction assistant is a Magna Numeris innovation, it is a feature that will help the users in order to simplify the transaction process.
The Cartam assistant is our “art of the deal” where community members agree to terms of trade.
Not only does this feature create a bridge between the P2P commercial side of the map and the system of transaction — the Cartam wallet; but, it also guides users through the process of creating a smart contract on the front end.
When users meet on the app to discuss a potential transaction, the assistant guides them screen by screen through contract information such as:
- Date, time and place they will meet.
- Financial information about the agreed transaction, such as the price, amount of goods/products or crypto, and the preferred payment coin (ETH or BTC).
The Assistant is built into the chat, adding extra functionality and the ability to negotiate terms of agreement with ease.
Parties follow the steps below when they meet at the mutually agreed time.
1) They prove their presence geographically via the app
2) Recap the transaction terms
3) Unlock the wallet where funds are originating,
4) Confirm payment
5) Give a rating to each other.
Development stage
If you haven’t already guessed, at Magna Numeris, we are very much advocates of the Lean Start-up methodology.
This means that during our development process, we are continually trying to build, measure, and learn.
It also means that our ideas and project is continuously evolving and developing.
After many pivots and time spent synthesizing the project, we are excited to announce where the project is headed and detail our stage of development.
- We are expecting to release the first version of the application in Q4 2019.
- We will keep you informed of the evolution of the project during the coming weeks.
Written by :William Beraud-Dufour
If you are eager to learn more about the project and about us please visit our website and our social medias:
Magna Numeris and Cartam are registered trademarks